Add MIDI note duration after note off or switching notes

Hi I am trying to add just a little note length after I release the note with my voice.
So I can hold it as long as I want (half a beat, 3 beats, whatever),
and then when I switch to another note, the previous note is held for another 100ms (or whatever I set it to).

Why? because I can’t hold down one key while I press another on Dubler2.
So for any lead sound that I don’t want to obnoxiously re-attack every pitch, I am hosed. There is no real legato, which is dependent on key overlap via keyboard on a lot of patches. I am talking about doing this live in real time. Easy to just drag out note length after the fact, but my gigs are mostly live.

I just want to add a little MIDI length (not change the decay or release of the patch) to each note I play so I can take advantage of how that changes attack/portamento with a mono MIDI input.

Thanks everybody!!

IF you are thinking of DAW hacks, read on - Why can’t I just do it in my DAW, you ask? -
On Ableton the current version of the “MIDI Effects ->note length” tool doesn’t quite do it, because there is no “note off” function that just adds a little bit of time to the note.
The “gate” would work if set at 105%, but you can’t use “note off” without a “length” designation.
Also in “MIDI Effects ->note length”
You can set the “note on” to a long length, but that makes all the notes that long.

Hi, thanks for your message. It’s an interesting issue, if I’m understanding correctly you’d basically want to delay the note off message by a certain amount?

I found a max4live device that does this (Note Off Delay version 1.0 by clement on but I’ve updated it a bit to include notevalues.

Here’s the download - NoteOffDelay.amxd (15.5 KB)

You can drop that downloaded file directly on to a track in Ableton and it should load fine (hopefully!)

This basically just delays the note off message by either an amount in milliseconds or a certain notevalue depending on your project bpm. If you’re using notevalues you’ll need to make sure your Ableton project is playing for it to work. If it’s paused it won’t delay cus it’s linked to your project bpm. If you’re in ms it will always delay it no matter what

Hopefully that solves the problem! If you run into any issues or want to edit it a bit let me know

Wow! Thank you! It works!

I believe that would be useful for anyone who wants to use Dubler 2 in real time with Ableton. Some sounds have really obnoxious re-attack when played with a mono controller that you can eliminate with overlap on a keyboard.

Thanks again! Andy H

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Happy to hear it’s working! It’s a good idea, I’ll make sure to add it to our feature request board for Dubler