Hi I am trying to add just a little note length after I release the note with my voice.
So I can hold it as long as I want (half a beat, 3 beats, whatever),
and then when I switch to another note, the previous note is held for another 100ms (or whatever I set it to).
Why? because I can’t hold down one key while I press another on Dubler2.
So for any lead sound that I don’t want to obnoxiously re-attack every pitch, I am hosed. There is no real legato, which is dependent on key overlap via keyboard on a lot of patches. I am talking about doing this live in real time. Easy to just drag out note length after the fact, but my gigs are mostly live.
I just want to add a little MIDI length (not change the decay or release of the patch) to each note I play so I can take advantage of how that changes attack/portamento with a mono MIDI input.
Thanks everybody!!
IF you are thinking of DAW hacks, read on - Why can’t I just do it in my DAW, you ask? -
On Ableton the current version of the “MIDI Effects ->note length” tool doesn’t quite do it, because there is no “note off” function that just adds a little bit of time to the note.
The “gate” would work if set at 105%, but you can’t use “note off” without a “length” designation.
Also in “MIDI Effects ->note length”
You can set the “note on” to a long length, but that makes all the notes that long.