Can I use Dubler with Ableton Live Lite?

I don’t have any DAW right now but I do have a serial for Ableton Live Lite I got with another Kickstarter music gadget called ACPAD.

Can I use it with Dubler and if so do the same rules apply as non-Lite? Would I be missing any functionality if it does work or is there anything I need to know?

Just for right now I’d like to be able to test Dubler is all :rofl:

Onesy xo
| (• ◡•)|

Hi Onesy,

Yes Dubler will work exactly the same with Ableton Live Lite! The biggest difference between lite and standard is it’s slightly more restricted in terms of the sounds you have available, but when it comes to MIDI controllers they work exactly the same

Here’s most of the differences if you’re interested:

I was actually thinking of making a Live Lite project, with some pre-prepared drum and instrument tracks that work well with Dubler. Then I can share it about and should be fun to jump straight into making some music

Let us know if you have any questions or need any help using Dubler with Live Lite



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Many thanks for the quick response!

I think that having a preprepared Live Lite project would help people engage with Dubler and would certainly help me get started cos I have only just gotten to the whole music and PC = awesomeness thing, having been an acoustic guitar player and songwriter for 12 years and having never even really recorded anything properly somehow :rofl:

ACPAD did something similar actually to demo the technology and got some peeps to create Live Lite projects like one guy playing every part of a Michael Jackson song and then allowed us to download those files so we could immediately get to using it rather than being daunted by the required knowhow straight out of the gate to build our own from scratch! :joy:

Defo let me know if you do that cos seeing what it is like when a project is ready and seeing how it is done will help me and others at least test it out pretty easily cos right now (having just installed it) all I can do is talk and sing into it and have it match me on the keyboard — which is cool!

I’ve also just started testing out ROLI products cos I bought LUMI and I’ve got a Lightpad. It’s all part of the plan :laughing:

I have many gadgets and now I gotta figure out how to actually use them hahaha


Yes definitely sounds like a good idea, I’ll start looking at that today (will probably make a few for some variety)

I find it’s always the most fun jumping in the deep end ahaha, if you have any questions even outside of Dubler about production in general feel free to post on here and I’ll try answer

Will let you know when I’ve got a few Lite projects up and ready to download!

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Many thanks my man | (• ◡•)|

I’ll certainly have things to ask once I’m all set up so you might regret saying that, gonna take me a little time to afford a proper set up though so you’re safe for a little while :joy:

I have tried Dubler with Ableton Live Lite with no issues.
I have even run Live Lite under Reaper as a Rewire.

You might look into Reaper for an extremely powerful DAW, with a great community for support, at a relatively low price. You can try it for no cost, but are expected to pay for a license after 60 days.

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Thanks so much! I’ll definitely have a look and I’m making notes with every suggestion haha :rofl: