Getting sound out of non-default Triggers

I can get the default trigger samples in the 8 button panel on the far left of the Trigger tab; Kick, Snare, Closed Hat etc to work as expected. But if I swap Hand Clap for anything else from the drop-down menu, say Crash Cymbal #49, it correctly appears in the left side panel of 8 possible triggers, but doesn’t make any sound when recording trigger takes or when triggered after creating the takes. How do I load in samples other than those default 8?


Hi Jonny,

The in-built sounds only have a limited number of samples, which as you’ve pointed out are just the initial 8 samples you can hear. The notes in the drop down menu are labelled based on a standard MIDI list so #49 for example would usually be a crash cymbal in most kits or drum machines which is why we’ve labelled them that way (although it might not always be the case!)

The in-built samples are just intended for some quick feedback when testing or adjusting parameters without needing to connect to the DAW. If you want to make all samples available you’ll want to use a VST or sample pack of your choice