Great Vocalist in History

I’ve been having lots of fun with Dubler 2.0. Making my own music and really having fun. Here’s a hypothetical question. What if some great vocalists like scat singers like Ella Fitzgerald, Scatman Carruthers, and other scat singing artists were to get their hands on Dubler 2 .0? I was singing scat and it was pretty amazing. I hope you can answer my question about these singers from history.

Hi Bob, it’s an interesting question and it’s hard to say what artists like this would have thought of Dubler. Ella Fitzgerald was absolutely an influence in Dubler’s development. These were all artists that really emphasised the voice as an instrument which is what we’re all about, it would have been great to see how they could have pushed this idea using modern technology

That being said there are a lot of modern artists using Dubler and changing the voices role as an instrument, excited to see what comes from this. Maybe even a revival of scat singing???

Should be! :slight_smile: Scooby-Dooby Doo-Whah!