Having an issue using xbox headset as in and out with ASIO

My computer doesnt have a headset port, but i have been able to plug my headset in with an old USB xbox controller, and it works fine for discord, games with voip, ect.

however using it for the dubler app seems to cause issues. If i use the headset mic as input, and my desk speakers as output, it works fine. but if i set both input and output to be my headset, i think i get some sort of loop problem.

my mic only gets detected if i sing/whistle at a higher volume, and then it outputs a single, short note, that repeats. even the volume indicator during configuration jumps up and down at a slow rate (like 1 frame per second if that makes sense).

im going to order a splitter for my pc, so i can use the mic and headphone jacks on my pc, instead of the xbox controller, but until then, does anyone have any ideas?

actually now its giving me static through my speakers when using realtek audio as output. but i can send output to voicemeeter, and send that to my headset and it works. however this adds to the latency, so i would rather not have to do this

Hi, sounds quite unusual, I would suspect it’s something specific to the Xbox controller and how it handles it’s ins and outs. Are you able to test with a DAW and separating the two?

So for example turning the out off in Dubler via ASIO4ALL, so it’s only using the mic input. Then using a DAW make sure you are using ASIO4ALL with only the output turned on and not the mic. Does this still create any feedback loop?

first i should note i had to modify an asio4all driver to make it work in LMMS. but i dont think there are any specific issues with that. it was just a small change to allow it to be enabled in LMMS. this is why there are 2 windows for ASIO4ALL.

if i set it up with the output from LMMS going to the headset, i get a heavy static on top of each note i play, however the notes are changing pitch correctly, and there is only regular latency, unlike the “feedback loop” i was experiencing earlier. this may be an issue with buffer size or sample rate or something. im not sure. [image 1]

if i set it up to pass the DAW audio through voice meeter, it comes out mostly clear, however i still notice a type of static or buzz at the end of notes, when hitting notes in rapid succession, or when playing chords. this also may be an issue of buffer size or sample rate. i do not know. [image 2]

i tried recording it internally, but could not get it to work. here are some recordings i got by putting my phone next to my headset. they are quiet, and bad quality, but it should help.

1st setup (LMMS + ASIO > Headset)

2nd setup (LMMS + ASIO > VoiceMeeter > Headset)

i realize this may be more of an ASIO/XBOX problem, and not a dubler problem. so i understand if you cant help.

but as a side note, it sounds perfect when i use the headphone port on my PC, and there is almost no latency. I just cant use my mic that way, at least until the splitter cable, i ordered, gets delivered.

one final question. is it better to have both the dubler+ASIO buffer match the LMMS+ASIO buffer, or does it not really matter?

thanks for your time.

Thanks for sending that over. This sounds like it could be a CPU issue with low buffer sizes especially with a slightly more complex setup via ASIO4ALL and voiceemeter. Can you try raise the buffer size to the maximum amount in both Dubler and LMMS and see if this solves the crackles? The latency will be very long but it will let us know whether it’s a processing issue or something else

You would ideally need the buffer size in both Dubler and LMMS to be at 128 samples to get the best response but let us know how you get on!

thanks for the response. i turned the buffer up on both lmms and dubler, but the results are the same for each setup.

the ASIO window for LMMS shows its blue bar at 256 still, despite the settings saying 2048. i even closed and reopened LMMS several times.

also, im not sure if this matters, but my cpu is an i7-11700KF.

Thanks for testing that. It doesn’t seem CPU based then so unfortunately that just leaves it with ASIO4ALL and the specific devices you are using. This is quite difficult to troubleshoot as it’s likely hardware based with the xbox controller or the ASIO configuration

Whilst ASIO4ALL is a great solution to getting low latency output with a DAW, it unfortunately doesn’t handle more complex setups particularly well and it does have it’s limitations. You should hopefully be all good with a headphone splitter using the Realtek output but outside from that a sure fire way to solve all of these issues would be to use an audio interface with dedicated drivers. Sorry not able to dive much deeper. Let us know how you get on with the splitter, and we can always arrange a video chat if you still are having some issues

no worries. thanks for the help. ill just wait for the splitter, or dubler mic to arrive