How do I enable slides / unlock the initial note?

When I sing, I sometimes land on a wrong note, mostly a lower one. That’s totally normal for singers. Then I pull it up immediately to be in tune, but Dubler doesn’t follow that, and the MIDI note output stays locked to that initial note untill I drop it and I have to ‘attack’ the note I want once again. How do I change it?

I purchased Dubler mainly to use it with woodwinds and saxes from Acoustic Samples, and I want to slide up and down as I please (fast runs through the notes). Could you help because I can’t find any video or info about how to turn that locking off?

Hi Marcin, there a couple of things you can try if you want to sustain notes and move around the pitch wheel. In Dubler’s default setting the pitch wheel acts like a MIDI keyboard in that new note onsets are started each time you move to a new pitch, you can change how ‘easily’ Dubler will stick to an initial note using the stickiness slider in the top right of the play tab. If Dubler’s stickiness is lowered it will allow you to move more easily to different notes on the pitch wheel. Although the trade off for this is that you may get more messy or erratic changes as it becomes more sensitive

The other thing to try would be pitch bend. Pitch bend allows you to bend and slide around notes based on the beginning note you sing as opposed to sending out new midi notes. I’d recommend watching our video on this here -

Let me know if this helps. If you need you can email us at and we can arrange a video call to take a look in person and offer some tips