Live AMA with Zachary Aghaizu - March 31st

Hey everyone!

We have another live stream coming up next week and this time we’ll be chatting with multi-media artist Zachary Aghaizu. We’ll be going in depth with his live setup and how he uses Dubler to create loops and visuals on stage. Also keep an eye out for a video with Zachary soon :eyes:

Follow this link to get notified when the stream goes live:

As always if you have any questions you want to answered either by the Vochlea team or Zachary, drop them in this thread :point_down:

This is awesome! I am looking forward to it however I have work at the time of the live stream - will this be recorded and how can I access it?

The stream will be uploaded to our YouTube straight after recording so you’ll be able to watch it back at any time!

If you have any questions you want to see answered feel free to drop them here and I’ll ask them whilst on stream