Midi-Mapping of presets and other functions?

Your Dubler app looks amazing!
I would like to us it for live performance and looping with midi controller like softstep. Is it possible to midi map the individual presets at the top of the menue like preset 1, 2, 3…?
Where can I find a documentation of witch features I can use for midi mapping to control via external hardware?

Unfortunately at the moment Dubler can’t take any MIDI inputs from external controllers. But it’s definitely something we have on our feature request list. There are other changes that would also benefit live performance but if you’re interested I’d recommend signing up to our beta testing list - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSelIDLzxMgayZGQvdQyHxgjDTw2yLdyhaE-ANBreBsrUIVFwA/viewform

We can then reach out whenever work starts on new features like this