When Is Dubler 2 Native ASIO Comming?

This technique used by Dubler 2 to read a sound device needs to be rewritten for ASIO. It’s totally “INSANE” to assume that I as a UAD Apollo 8p user must go out and buy a XLR to USB converter and use a another ASIO4ALL driver and try to get the DAW to use the UAD ASIO driver and the ASIO4ALL at the same time when the DAW (REAPER) only accepts only one input device type at a time per song when all I would have to do is plug the Dubler 2 XLR jack into the UAD Apollo 8p if Dubler 2 could only learn how to read ASIO to begin with. “I’m Just Saying”

Hi, we’re very sorry about the experience with UAD interfaces. This is unfortunately unique to UAD interfaces and is due to their ASIO drivers. Other ASIO drivers such as focusrite work as expected across multiple devices.

The issue is down to UAD not making their ASIO drivers available in both 32 and 64 bit which they should in order to be ASIO class compliant. However as that is not the case and our app is only available in 32 bit for accessability we currently can’t detect drivers from UAD. That being said it is a feature request on our backlog and will require us to build a 64 bit version of Dubler 2. In the meantime I would also reach out to UAD for any possible 32 bit versions of their drivers that they may have available, but otherwise we’ll keep everyone updated as we go.

Question. Since I am using Cakewalk and ASIO4ALL doesn’t work at all in Cakewalk, I have been trying to use FlexASIO. It kind of works, but not really well. It keeps giving off signal when I quit recording, so, it doesn’t really work either. Does your USB microphone have it’s own drivers or do you still have to use ASIO4ALL? This would be a great product if I could get it to work. I also have been using Cakewalk since way back in the Twelve Tones days, so I’m not changing. I did, however, try a couple of other free DAWS to check it. Couldn’t get it working on either of them either.

Wow I remember converting all my 32 bit programs to 64 bit back in the late 90’s. If I remember right it only took recompiling the program with a 64 bit compiler. I guess the question I would have “what’s stopping you from recompiling your program to 64 bit “ ?

Our USB mic does have it’s own ASIO driver however this is only will handle the input audio into our app, an exeternal ASIO driver would still be needed for low latency with your DAW. I realise Cakewalk says ASIO4ALL is not compitable but I believe this may have been a warning rather than a rule. Was there an update that prevents ASIO4ALL being used completely?

Unforutnately if you’re on Cakewalk they do push quite heavily for users to use a dedicated ASIO driver which would provide the best experience, unfortunately low latency audio on Windows is always a bit of an issue without some external hardware as most companies suggest ASIO4ALL as the solution. If you’d like to troubleshoot or try get flexASIO working feel free to email us at help@vochlea.co.uk and we can take a look on a call

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It’s a slightly more complex change than running a compiler unfortunately, as we have very tiny team of developers there are a number of components to consider in a change like this. This would include changes to the build process, dubler’s ASIO, running QA e.t.c To answer your question it’s mostly to do with time and priorities

As mentioned though it is definitely on our list of tasks to do so we’ll keep everyone updated