Welcome to the Vochlea Forums. Introduce yourself!

Welcome to the Vochlea Forums! We’re a community that is for all things Dubler related.

Please introduce yourself!

  • Who are you?
  • What are you planning to do with Dubler?
  • What excites you about Dubler?
  • What sort of music do you produce?

All users are expected to follow the Berlin Code of Conduct

Have fun!!!

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Hi everyone,

Gonna jump on this thread to introduce myself. I’m Liam and work as the community manager here at Vochlea so I’ll be keeping an eye on the forums and chatting to you all about anything you want to know

There’s a few categories in the forum where you can post links to music you make using Dubler, post any ideas or feature requests for future versions of Dubler and also a help category. If there’s anything you want to see here let us know!

Always feel free to send me a direct message as well if you want to talk about anything / have ideas about the forum!

L x


Great! looking forward to reciving my Dubler next week… really excited to get using it.


Hey everyone, my Name is Guillaume, am a K-12 music teacher as well as a composer and drummer from Montreal. Looking forward to try different things with the Vochlea and, hopefully, accelerate my workflow and skip a few steps regarding beat and melody creation.

Can’t wait to receive my Vochlea!


I’m George - you’ll recognise me from some of the longer more waffling videos! So excited to see what everyone does with their Dubler Studio Kits. :microphone::musical_note:


I’m also part of the Push Initiative created by Ableton Live which gives access to Push 1s and Ableton to my 5th and 6th grade students. Would eventually want to implement Vochlea in the classroom!!

Thanks for the hard work and dedication people!


Hello everyone I’m Kees from Nj USA. I’m looking forward to seeing the many creative ideas that’s ahead.


Hi Snippy. That sounds like a great idea, we’ve tried Dubler in some schools/colleges before and they pick it up so fast

Would love to see it more classrooms in the future


Hey guys! I’m Daven - I’m the technical lead at Vochlea. Really looking forward to see what you guys do with Dubler!! And like Liam said, getting your ideas and feature requests into Dubler. Have fun with it!


Hello - I am Cam, a developer here :loop:


Music lover obviously. Heavily into Frank Zappa. Exchanging tracks with friends in Holland. Looking forward to receive the Dubler (next monday). Excitement over here to discover Dubler. Have a nice week-end each and all of you.


Hi everyone, I’m John and I live in the UK. I’m an ex-Telecoms Engineer (Systems) and am so glad to have my new Dubler in just a few days time and start getting these tunes out of my head and into my Studio One 4 Pro Daw.


I’m looking forward to receiving my kit and seeing how easily I can incorporate it into my process. Then, I’ll let the kids have a go.


Hello! I’m Kelly and I look after everything culture, community and marketing here at Vochlea Music. If you’ve bought a kit, you likely recognise me from your inbox :slight_smile:

I’ve just completed sending out all of the tracking codes for Shipment One pre-orders and I’m super hyped to see what everyone creates with the Dubler :dizzy:


They call me Friendship. I’m taking Dubler on stage.


Hello, I live in Switzerland and am learning home recording. First hope is to get dynamic and elastic drum beats.

Some instruments I got analog / in real at home, but there are so many beautiful virtual instruments aswell waiting to appear.
Also I like soundscapes (like Colliding Worlds, Kinetic Toys)and maybe the use of Dubler is also more available for experiments than my normal keyboard.

Curious to hear about various expieriences and thanks for opening the forum!


Hey, Jan from Berlin, Singer and Producer from Berlin, Germany and soon to be owner of a dubler kit


Greeting Vochlea community! My name is Steve and I’m a music educator and composer from New York. Excited to get my kit and see what I can do with it as well as keeping up with what all of you are doing. Best to all and thanks again to the Vochlea team for all the hard work!


Hi all, looking forward to seeing how my workflow will get sped up with Dubler. Looks to be a real game changer!
